Cancer Prevention FAQs

Are you wondering of ways to prevent cancer?

It seems so prevalent today that many people are doing their best to minimize exposure to carcinogens and other suspected causes of cancer.

There is ongoing research that can help people understand the different types of cancers and their causes.

According to Harvard Health, about one in every three Americans will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.

About cancer prevention

An overall healthy lifestyle that includes making healthy food choices and exercising on a regular basis helps to prevent cancer. However, some cancers seem to be unavoidable. No matter how healthy you live, they seem to appear out of thin air. That said, there are still ways to prevent cancer as well as diagnose a possible issue before it becomes serious.

Cancer prevention FAQs

There is a great deal of information online regarding the causes of cancer and how to prevent it. However, not all of it is accurate.

The following is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions people have about cancer prevention.

1. What foods can prevent cancer?

Choosing healthy foods to eat can help prevent someone from being diagnosed with cancer. This includes items like broccoli, spinach, oranges, blueberries, dark leafy greens and legumes. It would help if you also considered avoiding items that are linked to cancer such as alcohol and certain processed meats that contain nitrates.

2. Is all cancer preventable?

Preventable cancers make up about 95 percent of all cancer diagnoses. They can be prevented through the lifestyle choices one makes. The other 5 percent of cancer diagnoses are believed to be from inherited traits.

3. Are there screening tests for cancer?

There are screening tests available that can find certain cancers early. This includes breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer lung cancer. Early diagnosis is one of the best ways of beating this disease.

4. Can someone’s job increase their risk of getting cancer?

It is possible for you to be diagnosed with cancer due to exposure to certain types of carcinogens. Often, these may be existing in your workplace. Many people work around asbestos, chemicals gas fumes that lead to all forms of cancers.

5. What are the main causes of cancer?

Some of the main causes of cancer include smoking, obesity, and hormones. Moreover, exposure to carcinogens and viruses, such as HIV, can increase your risk of cancer. Sunlight is also a primary cause of skin cancers.

Can we answer any questions you have about cancer?

As we stated earlier, cancer will affect one in three Americans. It is perfectly reasonable to have some questions about cancer prevention. Mention them to your doctor during your next check-up to see if you may be at risk of developing this disease.

If you do not have a primary doctor, call our office to speak with our friendly staff. We can provide more information to relieve your concerns as well as schedule several cancer screening tests.

Request an appointment here: or call Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center at (856) 475-0876 for an appointment in our Marlton office.

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