An Oncologist Answers Cancer Therapy FAQs

Oncologist Marlton, NJ

An oncologist is a medical professional who deals with cancer. Seeing an oncologist for a consultation can help inform you about what to expect during your treatment. Cancer therapy is important in keeping the tumor and cancer symptoms at bay. Understanding it can help you prepare well for it.

FAQs about cancer therapy from an oncologist

If you want to know more about cancer therapy, here are the answers to some commonly asked questions:

What treatments can a patient get?

Cancer patients can receive many treatment types. The treatments will depend on the type of cancer, its severity, and its symptoms. A team of healthcare providers will take care of the patient based on the treatment plan. The patient may receive surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or any other cancer treatment the oncologist recommends.

How can the patient reduce the side effects?

The most common side effects of cancer therapy are vomiting and nausea. Improving these symptoms can help the patient’s daily life. Changing the patient’s eating habits is a great way to reduce the impact of the illness and treatment side effects. Below are some suggestions to consider:

  • Staying away from fatty foods and sweets
  • Eating five to six small meals rather than three big ones
  • Drinking fluids before and after meals (water, flat ginger ale, apple juice, and tea)
  • Eating slowly
  • Avoiding strong-smelling foods

The oncologist may prescribe medications to fight nausea. This may help prevent vomiting and dizzy spells. It may take some trial and error to see which medications can help the patient’s situation. The patient may also feel extra tired at times. Taking short naps during the day can help give the patient an energy boost. Spending some time outside and focusing on important things can help, as well.

For hair loss, the patient can maintain a short haircut. Avoiding harsh hair products and using soft-bristle hair brushes can help as well. Applying sunscreen to the scalp can prevent skin damage from the UV rays on a sunny day. Wearing a scarf or hat in cold weather can help prevent dry skin. Washing the scalp with mild conditioners and moisturizing shampoos can help keep the scalp soft and healthy.

What is nutrition therapy?

Gastrointestinal problems can occur in cancer patients. Restoring digestive health is therefore important. This can prevent malnutrition and can even maintain dietary requirements during cancer treatment. The oncologist can recommend a nutritionist. That way, the patient can recover well and keep healthy after each session.

Is daily exercise necessary during treatment?

Any oncologist will recommend regular exercise for people undergoing cancer treatment. Mild to moderate physical activity is ideal for relieving cancer symptoms and the side effects of the treatment. The doctor can help balance the effectiveness and side effects of cancer treatment. This balance can help the patient incorporate daily exercise. Staying active is also possible while going through treatment sessions.

Can a positive attitude affect one’s cancer treatment?

The brain governs the way the body fights diseases. Because of this mind-body connection, any positive emotion can signal the brain to encourage healing. This can boost the patient’s immune system and increase blood circulation. It can also relax muscles, lower stress, and restore energy. The patient may experience a better mood as well.

Can a cancer patient work while undergoing treatment?

Many cancer patients keep working while going through treatment. An oncologist can guide the patient with daily routines and food choices even at the workplace. The treatment plan can become balanced enough to fight cancer outside the treatment facility. Often, treatment will not impair the patient’s ability to keep working.

Does the patient need to tell the doctor about any occurring side effects?

Informing the oncologist about any side effects of the current cancer treatment can ensure the patient’s good health. The side effects must be addressed right away, as this can help the patient heal faster. Each patient responds to cancer treatments differently. Doctors rely on the patients when it comes to knowing about these adverse reactions.

How can the patient manage cancer pain?

Managing a painful cancer is possible with radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Medications are part of a patient’s pain management plan. The attending oncologist can prescribe drugs that can relieve pain as the pain levels fluctuate. Medication can also help reduce the intensity of pain episodes.

The bottom line

Cancer therapy can be intimidating. Understanding everything about the various treatments required can help remove doubts or fears. Working with your oncologist can help make the therapy experience smoother.

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