Factors To Consider When Choosing the Right Oncology Treatment Center

Oncology Treatment Center Marlton, NJ

Which oncology treatment center you choose can make a world of difference in your experience and quality of care. However, finding the right center can be overwhelming, especially right after a cancer diagnosis. Regardless of whether you are looking for yourself or a loved one, it can help to consider several factors.

Treatment methods available

The first and most important thing to consider is what treatment methods the center offers. For example, patients will need to consider whether the oncology treatment center offers chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapies, surgical treatments, or other treatment methods. Further, patients will benefit from customized treatment that meets their needs.

This factor also includes whether the center is equipped with the technology the patient needs, such as genetic testing to customize treatment. Some patients prefer to go to a center where clinical trials are available.

Inpatient or outpatient services

Similar to the above factor, make sure to ask whether the center provides services on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Inpatient services require a hospital stay; outpatient services are done in a single or series of appointments and, therefore, do not require the patient to stay in the hospital. This will depend on the treatment method as well (e.g., chemotherapy is typically an outpatient service).

Types of cancer most often treated

It can help to look at what types of cancer the center has dealt with the most. Cancer is a complex condition that varies by type and patient. For instance, patients diagnosed with breast cancer may benefit from receiving treatment at a center that has helped many other patients overcome the same diagnosis. The staff will have a wealth of experience to draw from, allowing them to tailor care to the patient better.

Support services

Patients who prefer more comprehensive care should consider whether an oncology treatment center offers support services. Some centers provide access to dieticians, nutritionists, social workers, mental health providers, and other healthcare professionals. Cancer treatments will bring changes, including physical and psychological side effects, and these providers can help guide patients through them.


Location is another factor to consider. Sometimes, a center may seem like a good fit until it becomes clear that the patient would have to drive hours to get there and back. In many cases, the side effects of treatment will make this trip even more tiresome. Therefore, finding an oncologist and center that is not too far out of the way is beneficial. This reduces travel time, giving the patient more time to rest and recover. Additionally, it will be more feasible to schedule last-minute appointments should something come up.

Hours of operation

Hours of operation can be a deciding factor for many. If a center is closed whenever the patient is available, it is best to look elsewhere. Keep in mind that the patient will also need to have enough time to check in for their appointment and receive treatment before closing time. Make sure to pay attention to which days the center is open as well.

Patient reviews and testimonials

Many find it helpful to consider online reviews and patient testimonials. These may be found on the center’s website, Google, or other websites hosting healthcare provider reviews. Sometimes, patients may request testimonials from the oncology treatment center itself.

When looking at reviews online, looking at the good and the bad reviews is important. Consider the content of each, as well as the ratio. One bad review is often nothing to worry about, especially if the issue was minor and remedied in the comments.

Level of comfort

The last factor to consider is how comfortable the patient feels at the center. Does the staff make the patient feel welcome? Patients should also take the helpfulness of the staff into account. Feeling rushed, unheard, or having to wait for a long time to be seen should not be something a patient has to deal with. The right oncologist and their team will ensure the patient's comfort, including doing what they can to minimize wait times and make the overall experience pleasant.

Get more information today

Nothing about cancer is easy, including finding the right oncology treatment center. If you are looking for treatment, we may be able to help. Call us at (856) 475-0876 today to schedule an appointment and determine if we are the right fit for you or your loved one.

Request an appointment here: https://lindenbergcancer.com or call Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center at (856) 475-0876 for an appointment in our Marlton office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Oncology Treatment Center in Marlton, NJ.

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