Indications To Visit a Cancer Doctor

Cancer Doctor Marlton, NJ

Cancer can affect different parts of the body and cause various signs and symptoms. Individuals experiencing persistent or worrisome symptoms should consult a cancer doctor or oncologist. While other health conditions may cause some symptoms, they should not be ignored. Early detection and treatment can improve patient outcomes and save lives.

How does cancer cause symptoms?

When there are cancerous cells in the body, they can form into a mass. This mass can grow into or begin to push on nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. Someone with cancer may also experience fevers, fatigue, or weight loss, as the malignant cells use up the body's natural energy supply and trigger their immune system.

Common signs and symptoms of cancer

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), there are more than 120 known types of cancer and related syndromes that affect the human body. Each type of cancer has its own specific set of symptoms, but many share symptoms that patients should be aware of in order to have a general idea of when to consult a cancer doctor.

Coughing or breathlessness

Breathing or chest problems are common symptoms of many medical conditions. However, in some cases, they may be a sign of lung cancer. Patients should seek medical care from a cancer doctor if they experience the following:

  • A cough that is not improving or is getting worse
  • Feeling out of breath for no reason
  • Worsening breathlessness
  • A chest infection that does not get better or keeps recurring
  • Coughing up or urinating blood

Unusual moles, bumps, or lumps

When patients notice a new or unusual bump or lump on their body, they should seek medical attention. They should also consult a cancer doctor if they notice a mole that they have had for a while has changed. Moles that change, grow, or have abnormal borders or multiple colors may indicate skin cancer. However, even if it is not cancerous, it is important to seek medical care for any new ulcer or sore to prevent other health complications.

Changes in bowel or bladder habits

Sudden changes in bowel movements, such as persistent constipation, diarrhea, or changes in the size, shape, or color of stool, are a concerning sign that may indicate the presence of cancer cells in the body. Additionally, changes in bladder habits like frequent urination, difficulty passing urine, or blood in the urine may be a sign of bladder cancer.

Unexplained bleeding or bruising

Any unexplained bleeding in the body that patients should not ignore can include blood in the stool, semen, and urine, abnormal bleeding from one's genitalia, or coughing up blood, should never be ignored. Even though bleeding has benign causes, it may indicate serious conditions such as colon cancer, bladder, or lung cancer. In addition, if a patient notices they have unexplained bruises in an area they do not remember injuring, this may reveal an underlying medical issue.

Changes in breast tissue

Breast cancer often causes visible changes in breast tissue, so it is important for female — and some male — patients to be aware of the natural shape, size, and texture of their breasts. Some common changes to look for include:

  • Dimpling or puckering of the breast skin, areola, or nipple
  • Abnormal discharge from the nipple
  • Redness, swelling, or tenderness of the breast skin or nipple
  • Changes in the size or shape of the breast
  • Lumps in the breast tissue

Female patients should consult a cancer doctor if they notice any of the above changes in their breast tissue. The American Cancer Society advises that female patients aged 40 and older should get regular mammograms to screen for signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

When to see a cancer doctor

Many types of cancer do not cause noticeable symptoms. Several of the warning signs of cancer mentioned above can also be caused by other medical conditions and do not automatically indicate that a patient has cancer. Nevertheless, patients should not wait for medical attention, especially if their symptoms last longer than two weeks or if they have a family history of cancer. Cancer screenings are the most effective tool that cancer doctors have to catch cancer in its early stages. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve patient outcomes and even save lives.

Do not wait to seek medical attention

Being aware of changes in your body and advocating for your health can make a significant difference in detecting cancer in its early stages. If you are experiencing any concerning or unexplained symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a cancer doctor. Call our office to schedule an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center at (856) 475-0876 for an appointment in our Marlton office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Cancer Doctor in Marlton, NJ.

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