Male Cancer Prevention Tips

Men and women have different cancer risks and at different rates, which is why it is important to identify and assess risk factors. For men, the most common cancers are lung cancer, bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer and prostate cancer.

But can these cancers be prevented or at the very least, have their risks reduced?

Risk factors for any cancer

The fact is, many cancers are simply a factor of genetics, age or bad luck. Any cell in the body can begin overproducing at any time, and there are over 30 trillion cells in the human body. Those may seem like bad odds, but most people go their whole lives without a serious cancer problem.

However, there are ways to reduce the risk of any type of cancer, not just male cancer.  Some of the standards are to avoid smoking, limit alcohol consumption, reduce inflammation, avoid obesity, limit sunlight and avoid exposure to radiation.

Lung cancer prevention

Obviously, smoking is one of the greatest causes of lung cancer and should be avoided. This includes exposure to secondhand smoke. There are also other carcinogens that can enter the lungs, including asbestos, arsenic, cadmium and beryllium.

Bladder cancer prevention

Certain organic chemicals seem to have an effect on bladder cancer and thus, should be avoided or limited as much as possible. Frequent exposure to paint, rubber, textiles, diesel fumes and even hair dye have been linked to risk of bladder cancer.

Colorectal cancer prevention

Age is a factor, which is why regular screening should be a part of your healthcare plan once you hit 40. However, there is evidence that colorectal cancer is on the rise for young men as well, so screenings would be wise for men of any age.  

Keeping a balanced diet that is high in fiber could help prevent colorectal cancer as well.

Skin cancer prevention

Skin cancer is one of the most common male cancers. Staying out of direct sunlight from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is a good start, and liberal application of sunscreen during any outdoor venture is recommended.

Prostate cancer prevention

Genetics is a major concern: If a male in your family has had prostate cancer, regular screenings should be part of your routine. Stress can play a large role, so seek out medical aid should stress become an issue. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish can help prevent cancer, as can cooked tomatoes, olive oil and broccoli.

Finally, regular use of the prostate is shown to greatly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Regular intercourse and/or masturbation is recommended for prostate health.

Preventing male cancer

Male cancer is easily one of the leading causes of death in males, right behind heart disease. Frequent testing is a good idea, but it is also important to keep a healthy diet, avoid pollutants and stay as far away from smoking as you can.

Not every cancer is 100 percent within your control, but reducing risk factors has been proven to make a major difference.

Go to for male cancer information or call Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center at (856) 475-0876.

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