Medical Oncology Explained

Medical Oncology Marlton, NJ

Oncology is the study and practice of cancer treatment options such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies. Uncontrolled cell growth and division are hallmarks of cancer. These cells form tumors and spread to other organs, making cancer a dangerous and potentially fatal disorder. Medical oncology is crucial to cancer care because it offers patients curative and palliative therapy choices.

Overview of medical oncology

Medical oncology makes it possible to provide cancer management and treatment services in a risk-free manner by using an all-encompassing approach to helping patients discover the care and therapy that they need. Services in this category may aim to eliminate cancer cells, restrict their development, stop them from spreading to other regions of the body, or alleviate their symptoms. In the absence of a cancer treatment, life extension is of utmost importance.

Medical oncology encompasses three major disciplines: medicine, surgery, and radiation therapy. As crucial as it is for medical oncologists to provide patients with the treatment that they require, their attention is equally focused on continuing research. Finding better methods to manage and treat cancer is a constant priority so people with the disease have a better quality of life.

Common cancer treatment options

The cancer treatment choices available to patients today are extensive, yet certain treatments are used more often than others, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormonal treatment, biological therapy, and targeted therapy. In the field of medical oncology, chemotherapy is a popular option. It involves the use of medications that kill cancer cells or stop them from multiplying. These medications may be taken orally or injected and can be used alone or in conjunction with other medicines.

Chemotherapy may be used to reduce the size of a tumor before surgery, to kill any residual cancer cells after surgery, or to delay the disease's growth in severe cases. Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and exhaustion accompanying chemotherapy treatment are all treatable with medication and supportive care.

Immunotherapy is a cutting-edge approach to cancer treatment that uses the body's own immune system to combat cancer. One option is to take medications that activate the immune system, and another is to take blood cells called T cells and change them genetically so they can detect and kill cancer cells. The side effects of this kind of treatment are less severe than those of chemotherapy.

Similarly, targeted therapy is a kind of cancer treatment that interferes with the development and spread of cancer by focusing on the role of specific molecules. Drugs targeting these compounds can reduce or halt the proliferation of cancer cells. Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be more successful when combined with targeted therapy.

Medical oncologists and their work

Patients who have received a referral for oncology care must first schedule a consultation with a medical oncologist. At this first consultation, the oncologist will learn about the patient's medical background and circumstances. This initial visit should include a complete physical examination. After thoroughly assessing the patient's condition, the oncologist will discuss treatment options with the patient.

Medical oncologists focus on treating cancer using different medical approaches. They collaborate with the patient's whole cancer care team, including the surgeon, radiation oncologist, and pathologist, to create a treatment plan uniquely suited to the patient's condition. They are also essential for keeping tabs on the patient's development throughout therapy and making any adjustments to the regimen.

Medical oncologists play a crucial role in helping patients with curative and palliative treatment while they fight cancer. Examples include care coordination with other medical professionals, offering emotional and psychological support, and controlling symptoms and adverse effects of therapy. Patients need continuous high-quality-of-life support during their treatment.

New treatments and therapies are constantly coming up in the area of medical oncology. Medical oncologists keep abreast of the latest findings and breakthroughs in their field through medical research activities such as clinical trials, medical conferences, and recent research papers.

Final note

Medical oncology is a subspecialty of medicine concerned with cancer treatment strategies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. Medical oncologists specialize in treating cancer and coordinate with other specialists to provide their patients with the best treatment possible. They are also vital in giving patients the emotional support that they need to keep their quality of life intact while undergoing treatment. To learn more about treatment options, visit the cancer treatment center today.

Request an appointment here: or call Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center at (856) 475-0876 for an appointment in our Marlton office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Oncology in Marlton, NJ.

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