Integrated Cancer Treatment Can Complement Surgery

Cancer Treatment Marlton, NJ

When the diagnosis of cancer is given, cancer treatment should be started as soon as possible. Knowing the options available for the patient helps them decide the best course of action to take.

Integrative cancer treatment options are for everyone who wants to fight the disease. We recommend learning more about the available options being offered and doing all you can to start feeling better sooner.

Standard care for cancer

Standard care is defined as those procedures that are medically necessary to remove cancer from the body. These procedures can be anything from surgery to chemo and radiation treatments. In our office, we complete neurosurgery to remove brain cancer, for example. This can be a critical component of treatment and often the first thing that is done. By removing as much of the cancer as possible, we make it possible to begin the process of recovery.

Once surgery has been completed, many of our patients choose to explore integrative cancer treatments as a way to increase their comfort and improve their overall recovery process.

Integrative cancer treatment options

Integrative treatment options help the patient feel more comfortable, reduce symptoms, and give hope of feeling more like themselves. It is important that the patient speaks with their healthcare provider to find out if these treatments are right for them. Often, integrative treatments are recommended by healthcare professionals.


Helping to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression, this ancient ritual provides comfort and serenity. Working on the mind-body experience, yoga is recommended to many patients, not just those with cancer.


Nausea, vomiting, pain, soreness, and more can be addressed with acupuncture. As a long-time procedure used for its many benefits, almost everyone can use this procedure to get the results they seek. It can be especially helpful for patients as they undergo chemotherapy treatments.

Massage therapy

Having the body massaged by a professional can be comforting and help reduce symptoms. This therapy is recommended for many reasons, and by massaging specific areas on the body, it can help reduce pain, inflammation, nausea, and vomiting.

Ginger supplements

Used to help treat nausea and vomiting, this supplement provides relief in times of need. It should be used in addition to the medication prescribed to the patient.


Used often to help with sleeping issues, this can also help comfort and relax the body. Any pain the person may be under may be eased with the use of this safe procedure.

Chiropractic care

This type of care is used by many as a way to align their bodies. This helps their overall energy and the way they carry themselves. It can reduce pain and inflammation, as well as help a person sleep with ease. Chiropractic care is beneficial in many ways.

Energy therapies

These therapies work to increase the energy in the body and help with overall healing. These qualities can then restore the person's mind and body. There are different therapies that work in energy. Depending on the goal desired, one type might be better than another.

FAQs about integrated cancer treatment

Here are common questions that patients have about integrated cancer treatment and answers for each question.

Who should consider integrated cancer treatment?

Integrated cancer treatments are safe and available to essentially everyone who has received a cancer diagnosis. In particular, it is often recommended for patients who have recently had surgery to remove the cancer and/or completed chemotherapy (or alternative therapies).

Does insurance cover integrated cancer treatment?

Every insurance provider is different. Some insurance providers cover integrated treatment whereas others do not. Other factors such as your insurance limits may play a role as well. If insurance does not cover your integrated cancer treatment, then it may help to look into alternative options such as health spending accounts.

Are remedies that I found online safe?

It is not recommended to try any treatment options that are not generally considered safe. It is important to visit with a licensed professional to discuss all integrated treatment options and find the right long-term strategy that works for you. While some at-home techniques may work, “natural cures” found online should be considered with extreme caution.

These options should be considered

Overall, finding the right cancer treatment, whether integrative or standard, is ideal. Every person is different, and because of this, the treatment a person uses may differ. Speaking with an oncologist and a surgeon in our office is ideal. We can recommend the right steps to take to find a treatment that works for you to beat cancer and help you feel whole in the process.

Get more information here: or call Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center at (856) 475-0876

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Cancer Treatment in Marlton, NJ.

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