Marlton Cancer Center

HematologistMarlton, NJ

A hematologist is a health professional who focuses on the study of blood and blood disorders, aka hematology. A hematologist will work closely with a team of other healthcare specialists in order to develop the most effective treatment plan for a patient who has a blood disorder. The reason why a hematologist needs to work closely with other healthcare specialists is that hematology medicine is not a generalized medicine.

Thus, every single patient will need their own individualized treatment plan to treat a blood disorder. According to the American Society of Hematology, the study of hematology includes focusing on problems with the red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, blood vessels, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and proteins that are involved in bleeding and clotting.

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    A hematologist is often a board-certified internist or a pediatrician (with additional training) who focuses on managing patients living with a hematologic disease. Hematologists understand how important their role is when it comes to the treatment of blood diseases and are always exploring new strategies that can help patients recover from a blood disease diagnosis as quickly as possible.

    When someone receives a diagnosis of a blood disorder, a hematologist will provide them with the individualized treatment plan they need to get back on track to good overall health. A hematologist performs a lot of research so they are able to make the best contributions when it comes to treating blood diseases.

    Hematologist role in the treatment process

    When it comes to treating a blood disorder, the role of a hematologist is crucial. Every patient with a blood disorder is going to require a personalized treatment plan to combat their disease and a hematologist is at the center when it comes to making the best treatment decisions. While a hematologist will diagnosis blood disorders in patients and create the necessary individualized treatment plans, their job is to also give their patients the support they often need during this time.

    Various conditions a hematologist can treat

    A hematologist can treat a wide variety of blood conditions and blood cancers, including but not limited to:

    • Anemia
    • Hemophilia
    • Leukemia
    • Lymphoma
    • Myeloma
    • Immune disorders


    Leukemia is a blood disease that involves cancer in someone’s blood cells. Leukemia begins by forming in the bone marrow that makes the body's blood cells. When someone receives a diagnosis of leukemia, it means that their bone marrow is creating too many white blood cells at a very fast and abnormal rate.

    The result can lead to cancer spreading to the lymph nodes as well as someone experiencing a number of extreme health problems. If the individual does not seek treatment as soon as possible, the patient will experience other health issues including anemia, bleeding and infections. The exact cause of leukemia is currently unknown.

    Leukemia treatment

    Leukemia treatment is necessary to destroy the abundance of white blood cells so that normal blood cells can begin to grow once again in the bone marrow. Treating leukemia is going to depend on each individual patient and is based on what kind of leukemia they have been diagnosed with, how far along the leukemia is or what stage it is in, how old the patient is and their overall health.

    Leukemia treatment options often include chemotherapy, radiation, stem cell transplant, biological therapy and targeted therapy. A leukemia diagnosis can be very difficult for some patients, making treatment from a hematologist incredibly important.

    Acute myelogenous leukemia treatment

    Acute myelogenous leukemia is a form of blood cancer that makes the body creates too many white blood cells. When too many of these white blood cells form, they take over the healthy blood cells, which can lead to a number of health issues, like anemia. Symptoms tend to include:

    • Extreme fatigue
    • High fever
    • Sweating at night
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Easy bruising
    • Joint pain
    • Feeling pain underneath the rib area

    The most common treatment for acute myelogenous leukemia is chemotherapy, which may require additional therapy, as well.

    Acute lymphocytic leukemia treatment

    Acute lymphocytic leukemia is a form of blood cancer that begins when there are too many white blood cells forming in one’s bone marrow. When acute lymphocytic leukemia gets into the blood, it tends to spread to the other organs, making the quick treatment of this blood cancer disease essential to a patient’s full recovery.

    Acute lymphocytic leukemia treatment involves a team of specialists who will help make the best treatment plan for the patient that will best support their full recovery. For more information, call us today and schedule a consultation.

    Contact Us

    Lindenberg Cancer & Hematology Center is located at
    773 East Route 70 Suite E-125
    Marlton, NJ

    (856) 475-0876